Skiyente FINALLY met to install the 2022-2023 officers at Blue Lake. Festivities included waterskiing, floating in a flamingo, barbecue, beverages, a BIG THANK YOU to last season's chairs and officers, a successful in-person vote for the Skiyente Treasurer, Secretary and Communications Director and a semi-formal installation of the officers. All of the above received a clear Skiyente stadium bag. The following members were acknowledged.
Super Sister Award:
Tina Weber is our 2021/2022 recipient. Always a Super Sister, Tina is willing, ready and available to help assist with events, budget, bylaws and chaired the Tailgater. Being a past Treasurer and Secretary, Tina was instrumental helping with budgeting and by-law changes.
Eileen Hines Award:
Barb Pressentin is our 2021/2022 recipient. As a long time member, Barb has served many rolls with Skiyente. Skiyente has especially benefited when Barb chairs Ways N' Means. She has hosted many auctions during our annual Fireside Holiday Party and this year's efforts exceeded $3,400.00 gross receipts - an all time high.
Thank-you to the following 2021/22 chairs:
Fran Gaul - Wine N' Skis
Tina Lyons - Race Night at Hillcrest
Barb Pressentin - Ways N' Means
Sandi Shaub - Fireside
Jessica Tagliafico - King Winter
Debbie Kitchin - King Winter Dinner
Diane Hicks & Sally Niedermeyer - Maryanne Cup
Sandra Volk - Maryanne Luncheon
Elsabeth Frank & Tina Weber - Tailgater
Spring Fling - Julie Peck
Sheri Parshall - Summer Function
Sandi Shaub - Installation
Thank-you to the 2021/22 Board:
Julie Peck - President
Tina Lyons - Vice President
Tina Weber - Secretary
Susan Mills - Treasurer
Fran Gaul & Sandra Volk - Membership Directors
Sheri Parshall - Historian
Elie Jacobsen - Editor
Debbie Kitchin - Race Director
Lynn Weigand - NWSCC Rep
Eileen Hines - Past President Advisor
Winners of 8/20/22 vote of Skiyente officers:
Nancy Struble - Secretary
Jackie Smith - Treasurer
Sandi Shaub - Communications Director
A BIG thank-you to the incoming 2022/23 board:
Tina Weber - President
Marina Nimmo - Vice President
Nancy Struble - Secretary
Jackie Smith - Treasurer
Sandra Volk - Membership Director
Sandi Shaub - Communications Director
Sheri Parshall - Historian