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Meet Marina

How long have you been a member of Skiyente?

10 years in March 2025!

Ski or snowboard?

Ski well. Snowboarding is iffy.

Do you buy a pass? Where?

Fusion pass.

What's your ideal day on the mountain?

Cool temps, blue skies and sunshine, hard-pack groomers, and no people in my way. Good friends to cruise with and a solid 9-2 ski session with a little apres action and a nap.

Are you/have you been a PACRAT racer?


What's your day job?

Graduate student/researcher (and a ski coach in the winter).

What do you hope to bring to Skiyente this year?

I want to bring more opportunity without adding more obligations – happy hours, community outreach, racing, etc. I’d love to see our membership grow in numbers and diversity, with good retention and new interest by creating more of a presence in the Portland community. And of course – I want to build our race program, win all the trophies, and have a ton of fun! 


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